Z SoccerChic9: Last night
Monday, November 08, 2004
Well, the highlight of last night was Nick walking into the church and telling me that my car window had been smashed and his guitar had been stolen. I was like, dude that is funny, but then he was like, no I am serious. So, I went outside, to find my car window smashed open with Nick's guitar stolen out of the trunk, the Brouwers vehicle gone (a nice 2004 Yukon suburban), Gus's car window smashed with his sound system and CD's stolen, and both Lorne and Lauren's car windows smashed and some small stuff taken.

We waited for what seemed forever for the cops to show up. Hopefully they find the Brouwers suburban, kinda sucks to lose a vehicle methinks. So ya, I guess our church will be talking about how to get survellience on the parking lot so as this doesn't happen again.

So ya, that was the different part of yesterday. Oh, and while we were outside inspecting the damage - we were all priviledged to see the Northren Lights. Something I have only seen up north. So, that was cool cause they were quite bright.

On a happier note, I am starting week 10 of school this week (a good thing cause I have a 14 week semester, so we are nearing the end), Dax is coming back from B.C. this week, it didn't snow on the weekend (which is kinda nice), I have my homework all done for today, and my parents are going away for the weekend:)
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